Monday 1 July 2013

Stop, Pause and Go Forward

I am sitting on a very comfortable sofa in a cafe on London's South Bank. The sun is shining and there is a happy feeling that Summer has finally arrived. This is one of those mornings I treasure, no pressure to get anything done or to be anywhere at a particular time. No urgent need to jostle with crowds, since this is a cafe that few people seem to have discovered yet.

We all need this. However much we tell ourselves that living in the fast lane is exciting and enjoyable, the truth is what we really crave is peace and quiet, a chance to centre ourselves and refocus.

So I am here with paper and pencil , and when I have finished writing this, I will pick up my pencil and start jotting down my Plan for the year ahead. Yes I know it's not January, but a birthday is an even better point in the year to plan ahead than New Year, don't you think ? So, I grab a cool drink and off I go, pencil hovering over the paper........

Focus !

I'll let you know if I write anything !

Claud xxx